Tag Archives: philosophy

Harassment, and more harassment

I will reblog these posts on a regular basis. I find them educational and infuriating.

My only complaint is that that they don’t name names.

Oh, I understand why they don’t, but damn! What this women describes should have landed the dude in jail.

What is it like to be a woman in philosophy?

While in undergrad at a prestigious University, my TA hit on me and kept this going for the whole term. When I got my papers back, I noticed I was marked more harshly than my peers, female and male. I received an email from him that following summer explaining he has a lot of regrets about how he ran that TA-ship, including the treatment of me…

Next, I attended a party where analytic philosophers (all men) got together and talked analytic philosophy all night. No one spoke to me. I ended up falling asleep at the party (far from home in the room where the host said I could stay and leave in the morning) One of the analytics came into the room and masturbated while watching me. I was woken up by the noise, but felt afraid, so stayed silent.

The next day, I told him he was inappropriate…

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